Auteur Topic: Belgisch Congo: F.P. = Force Publique  (gelezen 5353 keer)

maart 04, 2018, 21:39:30 pm


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Belgisch Congo: F.P. = Force Publique
« Gepost op: maart 04, 2018, 21:39:30 pm »
Belgisch Congo: F.P. = Force Publique

The Force Publique "Public Force" was a gendarmerie and military force in the belgian colony, from 1885 (when the territory was  known as the Congo Free State), through the period of Belgian Congo rule.The Force Publique was initially conceived  in 1885 when King Leopold II of the Belgians, who held the Congo Free State as his private property, ordered his Secretary  of the Interior to create military and police forces for the State.

bron: Ebay

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